Monday 9 September 2013

Meditation Technique

The word meditation is derived from the Latin word “mederi” meaning “to heal,” it can therefore be considered a healing process- mental, spiritual & emotional, which results in physical healing and well being. It is the correct use of the mind by concentrating and connecting with the breath.
Meditation is to get into a silent state of mind, reducing the clutter of conscious thoughts by focusing on the breath. It is a mental discipline by which one attempts to get beyond the conditioned, "thinking" mind into a deeper state of self awareness. Meditation aims to focus and eventually quiet your mind, thus freeing your awareness. As you progress, you will find that you can meditate anywhere and at any time, accessing an inner calm no matter what's going on around you. You will also find that you can better control your reactions to things as you become increasingly aware of your thoughts (letting go of anger, for example). But first, you have to learn to tame your mind and control your breathing. For more information visit

Monday 22 July 2013

Bach Flower Remedies

The Bach Flower Remedies were developed by Dr Edward Bach, a doctor and well known Physician, Bacteriologist, Homeopath and Researcher. He believed that attitude of mind plays a vital role in maintaining health and recovering from illness.

Bach flower essences (remedies) form a part of alternative medicine. They comprise a therapeutic system that uses dilutions of flower essences developed by Dr.Edward Bach to balance physical and emotional disturbances. In the world of flowers Dr. Bach found resonances of the conditions he found in his patients. He believed the right essence can help to bring back the patient to a positive, happy condition. Dr. Bach distilled the essence of certain flowers, to choose the right ones for the state of the mental being of a patient.

Power of Though

Psychologists and psychiatrists point out that when thoughts are conveyed to your subconscious mind, impressions are made in the brain cells. According to Harvard and Yale studies, the subconscious mind is able to process between 10 million to 40 million bits of information /sec. and the conscious mind 7 million to 15 million bits of information/sec.  The average human today, thinks 60,000 thoughts per day! Those thoughts, whether random or focused, conscious or unconscious, represent the seeds that you are planting which are continuously  and consistently feeding information to the subconscious mind which determines WHAT you are attracting and WHAT is manifesting in the form of outcomes that you experience in your physical world!

Radionics SE-5 1000

This is a very sensitive instrument that can read small amount of energy frequency. There is a difference between a physical organ & the energy field of the field of the organ. There is no connection between a part of a body & its energy. The energy research operates with information field only. Experimental research is working with subtle information fields. The computer memory of SE 5 stores memory frequently used in tunings. SE 5 has special cords & planar, transformers & geometric patterns for clarifying & amplifying the energy. The design uses precision printed circuit boards with special integrated circuits. The most effective subtle field devices are the ones that most accurately link or clarify the information. Passing information thru geometric filters enhances the effectiveness of the energy. Good subtle fields amplifiers include crystals coil patterns, thought patterns & other objects that clarify or channelize information.